From The Podcast

Motherhood Podcast Episodes

motherhood identity loss
Mindfulness, Motherhood, Postnatal, Wellbeing

Becoming a mother is an incredible journey, marked by moments of joy, growth, and transformation. Yet, amid the joys of nurturing a new life, many mothers find themselves grappling with a shift in identity. In this thought-provoking discussion with our guest Ruby Grace, we explore the intricate path of rediscovering oneself amidst the profound changes…

Preparation for parenting, with Jen Butler
Motherhood, Newborn

How should parents prepare for a baby? Becoming a parent is a life-altering experience that requires thoughtful preparation and a proactive approach. In a recent podcast episode, early parenting consultant Jen Butler shares valuable insights into how parents can best prepare for the arrival of their little one. Here are key takeaways on how parents…

Spilling the Milk with Talissa Triffitt
Birth Story, Motherhood

Today’s chat is all about Caesarean births, juggling motherhood with three children and a business, and mental health challenges. This is chat is part of our Spilling the Milk series where I chat with mums about their pregnancy journey, birth story, recovery and motherhood. Today I chat with Talissa Triffitt who is not only a…

Why is my toddler so 'naughty' Discussing challenging behaviour in toddlers with Courtney Nightingale
Baby, Motherhood

Kids aren’t ‘Naughty’ In this podcast episode, I chat with Courtney, a holistic parenting consultant, sleep and behavioural specialist, and instigator of The Parenting Edit. And Courtney helps stressed and exhausted parents step into their power of parenting. Today we discuss: – Why is my 2 year old being ‘naughty’?– Are kids ‘naughty’?– What causes…

Want to lose weight after birth? Do this instead.
Motherhood, Postnatal, Wellbeing

Firstly, congrats.  You’re a mum! A whole new world has opened up. Even if you thought you were prepared, I am guessing motherhood has been an amazing ride. Today. I am broaching the topic of weight loss after birth, which I don’t usually don’t do. I usually avoid this topic. For me and my program,…

Fussy and picky eating in babies and toddlers
Baby, Motherhood

Enjoy this podcast episode with Paediatric Dietitian Kat, where we discuss tips and tricks for fussy/picky eating in babies and toddlers. We discuss common reasons why babies and toddlers may become fussy eaters, and how can parents encourage their child to try new foods, including tips for parents who are struggling with fussy/picky eating. Let’s…

Baby, Baby Sleep, Motherhood

Welcome to the FitNest Mama Podcast! Today I chat to Georgina Windebank, a Holistic sleep consultant and qualified Naturopath, all about toddler sleep issues.  A mother to a 5 year old, and host of the Holistic Baby and Toddler Sleep Podcast, in this episode we discuss all things toddler sleep and how to help your…

How many newborn nappies do I need?
Fourth Trimester, Motherhood, Newborn, Postnatal

Today I chat with Sheree, Postnatal Care Specialist.  We will be discussing how many newborn nappies do I need? We will be discussing nappies in those first few days, those first few nights after birth, and how your partner can help. Sheree is a nurse, midwife, lactation consultant and childbirth educator and provides an amazing…

4th baby birth story
Birth Story, Childbirth, Motherhood

Today I am chatting with a lovely FitNest Mama Member, Colleen, who is based in America, and is a mum of 4 lovely children. Colleen shares her beautiful 4th baby birth story in this episode. Colleen hoped for three babies, and then once she had three, she decided she wasn’t yet done. That’s when she…

After Birth Recovery, Fourth Trimester, Motherhood, Postnatal, Postnatal Depression, Wellbeing

This podcast episode discusses Postnatal Depletion, and we discuss how to kick postpartum depletion in the curb. I am joined by the lovely duo Renee White and Dr Micka Bertucci, who are co-founders of Fill your Cup, which is the first Biochemist-led postpartum Doula village, which provides evidence-based care to nurture, nourish and support newborn…

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