Baby, Fourth Trimester, Motherhood, Wellbeing
Introducing your baby to solid foods is an exciting milestone, but it can also be a daunting task for new parents. In this podcast episode, I chat with Kelly Benton, where we cover everything you need to know about starting solids, including when to start, how to know it’s the right time, and the best…
Exercise, Fourth Trimester, Pelvic Floor, Pelvic Health, Postnatal
The path through pregnancy, labour, and postnatal recovery is a remarkable journey, but it can exert significant strain on a woman’s body, particularly the pelvic floor. To ensure a smoother transition into motherhood and reduce the risk of pelvic floor issues, there are a few ways to help. In this podcast episode, we’ll explore three…
After Birth Recovery, Exercise, Fourth Trimester, Postnatal, Wellbeing
This topic is one that’s close to every parent’s heart – the remarkable journey of postpartum recovery. In this episode, we’re going to discuss some tips, and arm you with the knowledge you need to conquer this incredible phase with confidence and strength. Powering Through Pregnancy and Beyond: Your Body, Your Journey First things first,…
After Birth Recovery, Fourth Trimester, Postnatal
Join me in this episode where I am interviewed by Jacqueline Kincer, host of the Breastfeeding Talk Podcast. In this discussion about postpartum aches and pains and recovery after birth, we discuss: Have you got an achey friend or family member who has recently had a baby who might benefit from listening to this podcast?…
After Birth Recovery, Exercise, Fourth Trimester
Giving birth is a big deal. No matter if you’ve had a vaginal or a caesarean birth, your body has been through a LOT. No matter if it’s your first or fourth baby, giving birth is an incredible accomplishment. But, it’s also a time when your body needs to rest and recover. How long should…
After Birth Recovery, Fourth Trimester, Pelvic Floor, Postnatal, Wellbeing
After birth recovery … we all experience it differently, but we all need to help our bodies recover to some extent or other. So, the all important question, how can we support our after birth recovery? Here is a super easy quick tip, that you can easily (and will love to) slot into your day….
Fourth Trimester, Motherhood, Newborn, Postnatal
Today I chat with Sheree, Postnatal Care Specialist. We will be discussing how many newborn nappies do I need? We will be discussing nappies in those first few days, those first few nights after birth, and how your partner can help. Sheree is a nurse, midwife, lactation consultant and childbirth educator and provides an amazing…
After Birth Recovery, Fourth Trimester, Motherhood, Postnatal, Postnatal Depression, Wellbeing
This podcast episode discusses Postnatal Depletion, and we discuss how to kick postpartum depletion in the curb. I am joined by the lovely duo Renee White and Dr Micka Bertucci, who are co-founders of Fill your Cup, which is the first Biochemist-led postpartum Doula village, which provides evidence-based care to nurture, nourish and support newborn…
After Birth Recovery, Breastfeeding, Caesarean Section, Fourth Trimester, Newborn, Postnatal
10 Tips for recovering from a c-section whilst taking care of your toddler Recovery from a caesarean without a toddler is hard. You’ve had major surgery. Throw in some exhaustion. Perhaps you’re in pain. Then, throw in caring for a toddler to the mix, and it can make things more challenge. Recovery after a caesarean…
After Birth Recovery, Fourth Trimester, Motherhood, Newborn, Postnatal
In this podcast episode we discuss preparing for postpartum recovery and the fourth trimester, with postpartum doula Naomi from Cocoon By Naomi. Usually pregnancy is broken up into three trimesters. But sometimes the first 12-16 weeks after birth are referred to as the fourth trimester. Often while pregnant the focus can be on pregnancy itself…
Podcast Categories
- Childbirth (71)
- Pregnancy (70)
- Birth Story (56)
- After Birth Recovery (55)
- Motherhood (54)
- Postnatal (45)
- Wellbeing (43)
- Pelvic Floor (36)
- Exercise (34)
- Newborn (23)
- Fourth Trimester (20)
- Caesarean Section (15)
- Mindfulness (12)
- Induction (12)
- Fertility (12)
- Workouts (11)
- Running (11)
- Diet (10)
- Hypnobirthing (9)
- Baby (9)
- Breastfeeding (9)
- Pelvic Girdle Pain (8)
- Pelvic Health (7)
- Postnatal Depression (7)
- Epidural (6)
- VBAC (5)
- Perineal Massage (4)
- Forceps (4)
- Gestational Diabetes (3)
- Baby Sleep (3)
- Bowels (2)
- Twins (2)
- Conscious Parenting (2)
- Breech Birth (1)
- Episiotomy (1)
- First Aid (1)
- DRAM (1)
- Covid (1)
- Abdominal muscle separation (1)