
From The Podcast

Breastfeeding Podcast Episodes

Breastfeeding preterm infants
Baby, Baby Sleep, Breastfeeding, Fourth Trimester, Newborn

Breastfeeding preterm infants can present unique challenges, but with the right support and knowledge, these obstacles can be managed. In this episode of the Pregnancy, Birth, and Recovery podcast, I had the pleasure of chatting with Katie James, an experienced lactation consultant and midwife, who offered incredible insights on how mums and parents can navigate…

Antenatal expressing
Baby, Breastfeeding, Pregnancy

Antenatal Preparation for Breastfeeding Preparing for breastfeeding during pregnancy may be really helpful in boosting your confidence once your baby arrives. One important aspect of this preparation is antenatal expressing, a technique that involves hand expressing colostrum from your breasts in the weeks leading up to your due date. In this podcast episode, we will…

birth story
Birth Story, Breastfeeding, Fertility, Postnatal, Postnatal Depression, Wellbeing

In this podcast episode, I chatted with Holly, a first time mum, about her journey with IVF with her husband who underwent a gender transition when he was younger. As a result, her husband’s ability to biologically father a child was not an option. However, the couple’s determination led them to a solution: choosing a…

Tongue Ties and Breastfeeding: Insights from a Lactation Consultant

In this podcast episode we discuss the the connection between tongue ties and breastfeeding, with lactation consultant Jacqueline Kincer. Gain valuable insights, practical strategies, and expert advice to help you navigate the challenges and empower yourself during your baby’s oral development and breastfeeding journey. During this episode we discuss: We trust you’re going to love…

Breastfeeding, Postnatal, Running

Welcome back to another episode of the FitNest Mama Podcast. Today I’m super excited to chat to the lovely Jessica Kahan who is an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) a Registered Midwife and an NDC accredited practitioner (Possums clinic trained sleep provider).  And in this episode we are discussing running and breastfeeding.  Exercise and…

Caesarean recovery with a toddler
After Birth Recovery, Breastfeeding, Caesarean Section, Fourth Trimester, Newborn, Postnatal

10 Tips for recovering from a c-section whilst taking care of your toddler  Recovery from a caesarean without a toddler is hard. You’ve had major surgery. Throw in some exhaustion. Perhaps you’re in pain. Then, throw in caring for a toddler to the mix, and it can make things more challenge. Recovery after a caesarean…

6 Week Check - What to expect: Dr Miranda Bradley from Thrive Perinatal
After Birth Recovery, Breastfeeding, Fourth Trimester, Motherhood, Postnatal

What to expect from a 6 week or postnatal check? The postnatal or 6 week check is really important for both mum and bubs after the birth. In the episode with Dr Miranda Bradley – a GP, mum of three, and founder of Thrive Perinatal, we discuss: — What is a 6 week check?— What…

Birth Story – Spilling the Milk Pam
After Birth Recovery, Breastfeeding, Childbirth, Epidural, Forceps

For first time mamas, the thought of labour can be quite daunting.  There are many unknowns and so much anticipation as you await the birth of your baby. Everyone has a different experience in labour and as women, it is an incredibly bonding and empowering experience to share our birth stories. This is a beautiful…

Spilling the Milk: Brie
Birth Story, Breastfeeding, Childbirth, Epidural, Episiotomy, Hypnobirthing

I’m excited to introduce you to a special guest today.  It’s my first chat on this podcast with an every day mama with the intention of discussing the realities of pregnancy, birth and becoming a new mama. Brie is not only a new mama but also one of the founding members of FitNest Mama and…

4 Tips for Preparing to Breastfeed While Pregnant: Susie Prout from Australian Breastfeeding Podcast
Breastfeeding, Pregnancy

Are you pregnant and perhaps a bit unsure about breastfeeding? You might be wondering whether there is anything that you can do to potentially help prepare for breastfeeding while still pregnant. Alternatively, perhaps you’re a second time pregnant mother, who didn’t have an amazing experience with breastfeeding the first time around, and you want to…

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