From The Podcast

Pregnancy Podcast Episodes

Can pregnancy weaken your core muscles

In this podcast episode, discover if pregnancy weakens core muscles.  Learn how abdominal and pelvic floor muscles change during pregnancy, the impact on back pain and other issues, and safe ways to strengthen your core. Explore alternatives to traditional exercises, safety tips, and how to restore core strength post-pregnancy. Join us for expert insights and…

Creating a calm birth environment with Claire Fulton
Childbirth, Hypnobirthing, Pregnancy

Today we are exploring the topic of how to create a calm birth environment with Claire Fulton, a childbirth educator, founder of The Nurture Nest and The Hypnobirthing Podcast. No matter if you are planning a home birth, hospital birth, caesarean or vaginal birth, this podcast episode will be helpful. Today Claire discusses some amazing…

Diet, Fertility, Pregnancy

In this podcast episode I chat with Wendy, a Fertility, PCOS and Pregnancy Dietitian and Nutritionist about which food is good for healthy sperm. Every day, more and more studies are published showing us the impact that our nutrition and lifestyle can have on our hormonal and reproductive health, our chances of conceiving and how…

What YOU have told me you need for pregnancy & postpartum.
Postnatal, Pregnancy

This episode is a little different to the normal podcast episode. I share with you the responses of a recent survey, where I surveyed over 5000 women during pregnancy and motherhood to find out what they need to help support them during this time. The results did surprise me! But they are amazingly helpful to…

how to prepare your pelvic floor for birth
Pelvic Floor, Pelvic Girdle Pain, Perineal Massage, Pregnancy

Preparing the pelvic floor for birth Our pelvic health is important, but often under recognised.  Pregnancy and birth is a time where we are more at risk of pelvic health issues such as incontinence (leaking), or prolapse (eg vaginal bulge/lump). There are actually quite a few ways that we can help prepare our pelvic floor…

Optimal Baby Positioning with Melbourne Midwife
Childbirth, Pelvic Floor, Pelvic Girdle Pain, Pregnancy

This podcast episode is with Jo Terry, founder and managing director of Melbourne Midwife who is a midwife, lactation consultant and childbirth information sharer. Jo offers group birthing classes, private education packages and home visits for lactation support. In today’s episode, we have a discussion around baby optimal positioning for birth, including: – Why is…

How does a TENS machine help in labour?

I’m so excited to chat to Shari Lyon in this podcast episode, where we are discussing how hormones and the TENS machine can help labour and birth. Shari is one of Australia’s leading Hypnobirthing Practitioners and Childbirth Educators. She is a mum of 2 and self confessed birth nerd and is passionate about supporting women…

Optimal pelvic health during pregnancy
Pelvic Floor, Pregnancy

Quick tips for optimal pelvic health during and after pregnancy. Pelvic floor can become a bit of a buzz word during and after pregnancy, but it is for good reason. Did you know women who have had a baby have a 1 in 3 chance of leaking (urinary incontinence) and a 1 in 2 chance…

How to sleep with pelvic pain during pregnancy
Pelvic Girdle Pain, Pregnancy, Wellbeing

Ahh pelvic girdle pain during pregnancy.  If you have pelvic pain and you’re having difficulty sleeping during pregnancy, you are certainly not alone, as pelvic pain and difficulty sleeping during pregnancy are unfortunately both quite common. So, how to sleep with pelvic pain during pregnancy? Let’s first discuss 4 important points. — What is pelvic…

Using stairs in pregnancy
Pelvic Girdle Pain, Pregnancy

Can I climb stairs in pregnancy? This was a question sent to me via DM on Instagram @fitnestmama, and I thought that it might be a good question to do a podcast topic on. Pregnancy can be an exciting time, but it might also feel like a time when you are googling everything.  And, the…

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