Podcast Episode #152

Ask Kath: I have ‘pre-prolapse’, is it ok for me to still do pilates? (6 weeks postpartum)

Join us as I discuss this question asked by a member of the community, ‘I have pre-prolapse, is it ok for me to still do pilates?’

I discuss briefly:
– What is prolapse?
– What type of exercise is good for prolapse, and the 0-6 week postpartum phase.
– What are some things to avoid.

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As a new mother, navigating the world of postpartum exercise can be overwhelming, especially when dealing with specific conditions such as pre-prolapse. In a recent episode of the FitNest Mama podcast, host Kath addresses the question that many new moms have: Is it safe to do Pilates six weeks postpartum with pre-prolapse? Let’s delve into the insights shared in this informative episode.

Understanding Pre-Prolapse

The term “pre-prolapse” may not be widely recognized, but it likely refers to a grade one prolapse. Prolapse occurs when the organs within the pelvis (such as the bladder, uterus, rectum, or bowel) descend after childbirth. However, the definition of prolapse has evolved, now considering it a prolapse only if accompanied by symptoms like a vaginal lump, bulge, heaviness, or pelvic dragging sensation.

Exercise Goals in the Early Postpartum Period

During the initial six weeks after giving birth, the primary objectives of exercise are to aid recovery, avoid excessive strain on the pelvic floor, gently activate the pelvic floor muscles, gradually increase body movements, address abdominal and pelvic floor weakness, and build a solid foundation for overall wellness.

Finding the Right Exercise Program

FitNest Mama understands the unique needs of postpartum women, offering appropriate exercises and modifications for individuals experiencing prolapse, leakage, or pain. It’s crucial to find an exercise routine or program that you trust and feel confident with, ensuring it supports your body’s recovery and overall well-being.

Exercises to Avoid

The podcast also highlights exercises to avoid during the early postpartum stage, focusing on potential concerns. The host shares a personal experience of overexertion and subsequent prolapse symptoms. To prevent excessive strain on the pelvic floor, it is vital to avoid doing too much too soon after childbirth. Gradually increasing walking time and incorporating periods of rest is recommended during this period.

Mindful Exercise Choices

Certain strength exercises, such as bicep curls or overhead presses, can strain the pelvic floor and should be avoided in the first six weeks postpartum. Instead, it’s essential to choose exercises that allow for natural movement and activation of the pelvic floor without placing excessive stress on it. The episode uses an analogy to illustrate the importance of gradually building exercise intensity to support the healing process of the pelvic floor.

FitNest Mama’s Approach

FitNest Mama offers workout routines that can be modified for individuals with prolapse, pelvic floor issues, aches, and pains. With support from physiotherapists, their programs ensure a safe and effective postnatal fitness journey. Seeking support and investing in postnatal rehabilitation are emphasized as key steps to achieving personal fitness goals and taking care of one’s body.

The decision to engage in Pilates or any exercise regimen six weeks postpartum with pre-prolapse depends on individual circumstances. It’s crucial to listen to your body and seek guidance from trusted sources, such as FitNest Mama’s postnatal workout program. Remember, gradual progress, mindful exercise choices, and proper support are vital elements in safely navigating the postpartum period. To explore FitNest Mama’s offerings, they invite you to enjoy a free seven-day trial and start your journey towards postpartum wellness today.

Episode Links

Telehealth with Physio Kath

Preparing for birth Pelvic health checklist

Free 7 Day Trial Pregnancy Workouts

Free 7 Day Trial Postnatal Workouts

FitNest Mama Website

Instagram @fitnestmama



All information is general in nature and doesn’t substitute individualised assessment, treatment and diagnosis.  If you have any questions or concerns please consult your healthcare provider.

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