From The Podcast

Wellbeing Podcast Episodes

After Birth Recovery, Exercise, Wellbeing

Are you achey and sore as a new mum? This episode is for you! In this episode I chat about the main areas women get sore and achey in the postpartum period, the causes of these aches and pains. We discuss common causes of aches/pains, common issues with postpartum recovery, and ways to help manage…

Diet, Fertility, Pregnancy

In this podcast episode I chat with Wendy, a Fertility, PCOS and Pregnancy Dietitian and Nutritionist about which food is good for healthy sperm. Every day, more and more studies are published showing us the impact that our nutrition and lifestyle can have on our hormonal and reproductive health, our chances of conceiving and how…

Improving your egg quality with diet
Diet, Fertility

In this episode, we talk to Lacey Maddern, also known as the Eggspert nutritionist, about understanding egg quality and how to improve it naturally through diet and lifestyle changes. Lacey is a fertility nutritionist who helps women boost their egg quality and increase their chances of getting pregnant, staying pregnant, and increasing IVF success. Understanding…

How long after giving birth can I run
After Birth Recovery, Postnatal, Running, Wellbeing

How long after giving birth can I return to running is a very common question by pregnant and new mums. Running is associated with so many physical and mental health benefits, it’s no wonder that so many new mums are keen to return to running again postpartum. So let’s discuss some important changes that happen…

How to sleep with pelvic pain during pregnancy
Pelvic Girdle Pain, Pregnancy, Wellbeing

Ahh pelvic girdle pain during pregnancy.  If you have pelvic pain and you’re having difficulty sleeping during pregnancy, you are certainly not alone, as pelvic pain and difficulty sleeping during pregnancy are unfortunately both quite common. So, how to sleep with pelvic pain during pregnancy? Let’s first discuss 4 important points. — What is pelvic…

Horizontal rest after birth
After Birth Recovery, Fourth Trimester, Pelvic Floor, Postnatal, Wellbeing

After birth recovery … we all experience it differently, but we all need to help our bodies recover to some extent or other. So, the all important question, how can we support our after birth recovery? Here is a super easy quick tip, that you can easily (and will love to) slot into your day….

After Birth Recovery, Fourth Trimester, Motherhood, Postnatal, Postnatal Depression, Wellbeing

This podcast episode discusses Postnatal Depletion, and we discuss how to kick postpartum depletion in the curb. I am joined by the lovely duo Renee White and Dr Micka Bertucci, who are co-founders of Fill your Cup, which is the first Biochemist-led postpartum Doula village, which provides evidence-based care to nurture, nourish and support newborn…

5 tips to help you balance motherhood and fitness with Kath Baquie from FitNest Mama
Exercise, Motherhood, Running, Wellbeing, Workouts

How do you balance motherhood and fitness? How can I stay fit as a mother? How do stay at home mums stay fit? How do working mums stay fit? What is balance in health and fitness as a mother? These are all common questions mums might be asking themselves when they are balancing motherhood and…

Starting Solids with Confidence: Kyla Smith from Baby Meal Times and Toddler Meal Times
Baby, Diet

Today I’m joined by paediatric dietician Kyla Smith to discuss the process of introducing babies to solid foods. She’s the owner and founder of Baby Meal Times and Toddler Meal Times, two online memberships designed to help parents help their children to love food from the first bite. She’s been a dietitian for 15 years,…

Birth Trauma We need to talk about it: Rosanna Pajak from Birth Healing Collective
After Birth Recovery, Mindfulness, Wellbeing

Today I’m joined by clinical psychologist Rosanna Pajak. She specializes in perinatal mental health, Rosanna has worked in clinical and community settings across the UK and Australia, including specialist trauma services and women’s health services. As an experienced clinician and a mum herself, Rosanna is passionate about helping mum’s heal from traumatic experiences during the…

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