
From The Podcast

Pregnancy Podcast Episodes

Abdominal Supports for Pregnancy & Postpartum: Kath Baquie from FitNest Mama
Birth Story, Pregnancy

Today we’re going to chat about different forms of abdominal support. I’ll dive into  the three major types of abdominal support garments and the pros and cons for each of them. If you want to invest in abdominal support wear I hope you’ll feel more confident in choosing the best kind for you by the end…

What are the Best Exercises for Pregnancy: Kath Baquie from FitNest Mama
Exercise, Pelvic Floor, Pregnancy

One of the most common questions I get asked as a women’s physio is what type of exercise women should be doing while pregnant. Today I dive into this topic to discuss some of the things to be aware of when exercising, my go-to recommendations and the types of exercises you should avoid while pregnant. …

From Clinic to Online Pregnancy Program - Conversation with Emily Osmond

Today’s podcast is a bit different to normal as this is an episode that was recorded by the lovely Emily Osmond who was interviewing me all about the FitNest Mama membership. Emily is an incredible marketing coach and mentor who has been an amazing support behind the creation of FitNest Mama. In this episode I…

Changing the way you think about birth: Hypnodoula Melissa
Birth Story, Pregnancy

When you’re pregnant there are a whole lot of emotions (thanks hormones) and you have a lot of questions floating around your head. Is your baby growing at a good rate, are they in the right position, is their head the right size…the list of questions and concerns can be quite endless. Changing our thoughts…

Abdominal Muscle Separation – Can I fix it: Kath Baquie from FitNest Mama
DRAM, Pregnancy

In today’s episode is a question I get asked a lot. Abdominal muscle separation – can I fix it? This is a common issue for new mums post baby but with the right knowledge it’s one anyone can deal with. I’m going to explain what exactly an abdominal muscles separation is (otherwise known as DRAM,…

Sex for Conception Dr Raelia from Knocked-Up Podcast
Fertility, Pregnancy

Today’s episode is a fun one all about sex for conception with Dr Raelia Lew, and tips for falling pregnant. I have two guests with me Dr Raelia Lew and Jordi Morrison. They are the hosts of the Knocked-Up podcast. Dr Raelia Lew is a fertility specialist and reproductive endocrinologist. Her passion is giving women…

Pelvic Floor: What Every Woman Needs to Know: Kath Baquie from FitNest Mama
After Birth Recovery, Pelvic Floor, Postnatal, Pregnancy

In an ideal world, we’d all learn about pelvic floor health in high school and be fully equipped to care for our pelvic floor muscles. Unfortunately, this isn’t the case, so in today’s episode we delve into pelvic floor health, answering questions for what I believe every woman needs to know about. What are the…

Do Full Moons affect Pregnancy: Ilana Kosakiewicz from The Energy Shift Podcast
Mindfulness, Postnatal, Pregnancy

I have a super interesting discussion for you today as I talk about all things energy with Ilana Kosakiewicz, a kinesiologist, energy coach and yoga and meditation teachers. I’ll be bold enough to say that it’s an episode that every woman should listen to. It is about motherhood, hormones, and the affect of the lunar…

Four Common Mistakes When Exercising During Pregnancy & After Birth Kath Baquie from FitNest Mama
Exercise, Postnatal, Pregnancy

As a physio working in women’s health, I’m certainly an advocate for staying fit and healthy before, during and after pregnancy. Throughout pregnancy and during those first few months after birth, it’s sometimes difficult to know how to approach exercise and can be overwhelming to face in the midst of morning sickness, fatigue and sleep…

Pregnancy and After Birth: Why doing less is doing more: Rachelle Glendon from Life Coach from How to Live Slow
After Birth Recovery, Caesarean Section, Childbirth, Newborn, Pregnancy, Wellbeing

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, have a to do list as long as your arm or just craving a life of doing less, this episode is a must listen. Whether you’re pregnant, a new mama or finished having babies and in the thick of school run, play-dates and extracurricular activities, this episode is all about slowing…

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