
From The Podcast

After Birth Recovery Podcast Episodes

Horizontal rest after birth
After Birth Recovery, Fourth Trimester, Pelvic Floor, Postnatal, Wellbeing

After birth recovery … we all experience it differently, but we all need to help our bodies recover to some extent or other. So, the all important question, how can we support our after birth recovery? Here is a super easy quick tip, that you can easily (and will love to) slot into your day….

After Birth Recovery, Fourth Trimester, Motherhood, Postnatal, Postnatal Depression, Wellbeing

This podcast episode discusses Postnatal Depletion, and we discuss how to kick postpartum depletion in the curb. I am joined by the lovely duo Renee White and Dr Micka Bertucci, who are co-founders of Fill your Cup, which is the first Biochemist-led postpartum Doula village, which provides evidence-based care to nurture, nourish and support newborn…

Caesarean recovery with a toddler
After Birth Recovery, Breastfeeding, Caesarean Section, Fourth Trimester, Newborn, Postnatal

10 Tips for recovering from a c-section whilst taking care of your toddler  Recovery from a caesarean without a toddler is hard. You’ve had major surgery. Throw in some exhaustion. Perhaps you’re in pain. Then, throw in caring for a toddler to the mix, and it can make things more challenge. Recovery after a caesarean…

After Birth Recovery, Fourth Trimester, Motherhood, Newborn, Postnatal

In this podcast episode we discuss preparing for postpartum recovery and the fourth trimester, with postpartum doula Naomi from Cocoon By Naomi. Usually pregnancy is broken up into three trimesters. But sometimes the first 12-16 weeks after birth are referred to as the fourth trimester. Often while pregnant the focus can be on pregnancy itself…

Hormones, Birth & Recovery
After Birth Recovery, Caesarean Section, Childbirth, Hypnobirthing

Well hello there, welcome to our 100th episode of the FitNest Mama Podcast! I’m really excited by today’s episode, because, for something a bit different, I am going to discuss my 3 biggest takeaways from doing these 100 podcast episodes. So from all the guest speakers we’ve had on board, I am going to share…

10 Reasons to include postnatal rehab in your after birth plan: Kath Baquie from FitNest Mama
After Birth Recovery, Exercise, Postnatal, Running, Workouts

Why do we need postnatal rehab? When we think of rehab, we often think of rehab after a sports injury, or perhaps an addiction. If a pro footballer has a knee injury, they may have surgery. And then it’s a given they will have a period of rehab before getting back on the footy field. …

6 Week Check - What to expect: Dr Miranda Bradley from Thrive Perinatal
After Birth Recovery, Breastfeeding, Fourth Trimester, Motherhood, Postnatal

What to expect from a 6 week or postnatal check? The postnatal or 6 week check is really important for both mum and bubs after the birth. In the episode with Dr Miranda Bradley – a GP, mum of three, and founder of Thrive Perinatal, we discuss: — What is a 6 week check?— What…

30 Day Pelvic Floor Challenge: Kath Baquie from FitNest Mama
After Birth Recovery, Exercise, Pelvic Floor

It’s so easy to forget our pelvic floor muscles, they’re out of sight and out of mind. Often, we don’t start placing an emphasis on them until we begin to experience problems with our pelvic health. In this episode, I’m chatting about an upcoming 30 day pelvic floor challenge that I would love for you…

TENS Machine for Labour: Kath Baquie from FitNest Mama
After Birth Recovery, Childbirth, Fourth Trimester, Newborn, Pregnancy

Today we’ll be discussing the TENS Machine for labour, what it is, and how it might be helpful with pain relief for birth. TENS stands for Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation is a method of pain relief that can be used for lots of different things from back pain to period pain to a form of…

Confidence in Motherhood: Kath Baquie from FitNest Mama
After Birth Recovery, Birth Story, Childbirth

Today is another solo episode of FitNest Mama and I want to discuss confidence in motherhood. Specifically from a physical perspective – how our physical recovery after birth can really shape our motherhood experience. Our physical health directly impacts our mental health in countless ways so it’s important new mums, and mums to be, understand…

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