
From The Podcast

Birth Story Podcast Episodes

Spilling the Milk with Talissa Triffitt
Birth Story, Motherhood

Today’s chat is all about Caesarean births, juggling motherhood with three children and a business, and mental health challenges. This is chat is part of our Spilling the Milk series where I chat with mums about their pregnancy journey, birth story, recovery and motherhood. Today I chat with Talissa Triffitt who is not only a…

Spilling the Milk with Sarah Marie Fahd
Birth Story

Today’s chat is with the lovely mum of two, Sarah Marie Fahd who discusses her birth story, pregnancy journey and after birth recovery Sarah Marie Fahd describes her birth story how she went into labour earlier than her planned Caesarean booking, she describes the joys and challenges of being a mum of two.  This interview…

Home birth, hypnobirthing, 3rd baby Spilling the Milk with Tina Pullen
Birth Story

Enjoy this beautiful birth story with Tina Pullen. Tina Pullen is a Hypnobirthing Australia Certified Practitioner, Childbirth Educator and mum to three kids. After experiencing the benefits of hypnobirthing for her second birth, she became passionate about positive birth education and knew she had to spread the word! Tina believes that birth should be an…

Birth Story
Birth Story

Enjoy this beautiful birth story with Esther, a first time mum who unexpectedly had a home birth, and a positive experience. Esther talks us through her pregnancy journey, how she prepared for birth, and her after birth experience. Giving birth is one of the most profound experiences that a woman can go through. Every birth…

Birth story with Elizabeth
Birth Story, Childbirth, Epidural, Fertility

In this episode Elizabeth shares her beautiful birth story who recently became a parent through IVF after experiencing challenges with conception and recurrent miscarriage. At 36 years old, Elizabeth started trying to conceive, after which her first 3 pregnancies ended in miscarriage. From this point Elizabeth and her partner started looking into fertility clinics, and…

4th baby birth story
Birth Story, Childbirth, Motherhood

Today I am chatting with a lovely FitNest Mama Member, Colleen, who is based in America, and is a mum of 4 lovely children. Colleen shares her beautiful 4th baby birth story in this episode. Colleen hoped for three babies, and then once she had three, she decided she wasn’t yet done. That’s when she…

Positive Natural Birth Story
Birth Story, Childbirth

On the FitNest Mama Podcast, we have a range of different types of birth stories, including positive natural birth stories. And today I am chatting with a lovely FitNest Mama Member, Kiara about discussing her positive natural birth story and has an 8-week-old daughter Ruby. Kiara shares her beautiful birth story in this episode. Kiara…

Birth Story: Emergency Caesarean, Breastfeeding Challenges, Egg Freezing with Liz
Birth Story, Caesarean Section, Childbirth

This c section birth story is with Liz who shares an honest recount of her emergency c-section due to a last-minute breech presentation. Liz shares her journey to becoming pregnant, including how she chose to freeze her eggs. Liz talked us through her c section step by step, which she reports was quite a positive…

Birth Story: Induction, first time mum, midwifery support with Amy
Birth Story, Childbirth, Induction

Every few weeks we have a lovely birth story podcast on this series.  We aim to provide a diverse range of childbirth stories. Today’s birth story discusses an induction and midwifery support, and being a first time mum. Today’s birth story podcast episode is with Amy, a first time mum with a little boy. Amy…

Spilling the Milk: VBA2C Birth Story with Jo
Birth Story, Childbirth, Pregnancy, VBAC

This VBA2C (vaginal birth after 2 caesareans) birth story is with Jo, a mum of three.  In this VBA2C birth stories episode, Jo openly shares the highs and lows as she navigates through the stages of motherhood and her journey and struggle with advocating for a VBA2C birth, all while in lockdown. She found a…

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